Fanboy Slaughter

CRank: 5Score: 17030

I can't say I agree with stopping the sale of used games, but I am indeed all for the fall of Gamestop.

By principle alone, I don't shop there, and I don't need to worry about missing any used treasures, considering that Gamestop catches on to price trends very quickly and will change the used price of a game accordingly.

Marvel vs. Capcom 2 on Xbox? $80 used, saw it a year ago for $25, they probably bought it for $5 credit.

And I guess now MGS:...

5797d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was just using $19.99 as an example, but sadly enough, if a game is rated bad enough, or if it generally doesn't sell well, despite being almost-brand new, it will sell used for $20 and new ones will still be $50 or $60

5797d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Granted I personally don't trade in my games anymore, I'm glad everyone else does. Because just about every game in my collection is a used one, simply for the fact that they cannot be found any longer.

Buying a used game gives collectors a chance to pick up a masterpiece that someone else either didn't like or was overlooked. Not to mention it also gives someone more incentive to buy a game when it's used at $19.99 instead of buying new at $50 or $60, and if that person like...

5797d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I recently re-bought my copy of MGS:TS from a Movie Gallery store here in northern IL straight off the shelf for a steal at 14.99 (two weeks ago).

I saw it sitting there and decided to ask the store manager if it was possible to sell it to me, considering it was still on the rental shelf and not the sale basket. I was informed that a lot of rental places are more than willing to sell their rental games (especially for a discontinued system) if you simply ask. And much to my s...

5800d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment be cancelled. Dan Akroyd (sic) and Harold Ramis won't take this sitting down, especially after all the hard work from Bill Murray (who VERY RELUCTANTLY came out of semi-retirement to reprise his role), and Ernie Hudson and the rest of the original cast.

Simply put, these guys got paid an assload of money to do this, and even Activision isn't stupid enough to bury a great looking game based on one of America's most profitable and iconic franchises, even if it's video game ...

5802d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

....trashing MK vs. DC is the new thing to do to make yourself look cool around your friends.

And I absolutely can't believe the b!tching about "NO fatalities", THERE ARE FATALITIES!!! And everyone who got their collective assholes in a tight knot about the inclusion of Superman....hello?! Chun-Li versus The Hulk?! generally anyone vs Wolverine? Since when would normal humans be able to go toe-to-toe with these guys and hop away holding one of their legs while pus...

5802d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

....once the governments of the world decide to destroy the technology, or keep it for themselves and charge an astronomical fee to access a fraction of the bandwith.

I could easily see Comcast charging $250+ a month for something like this. Those c*cksuckers realized last year that over 80% of our metro area (300,000+ people) subscribed to Insight cable (because they were a GREAT provider), and booted Insight to rural Kentucky to take over our area, only to lower our bandwith...

5802d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ah yes...that's right.

Total Brain Fart, thanks for the correction

5806d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hmm...perhaps this will be the movie that will definitely break the stereotype of horrible video-game adaptations. Road to Perdition was a well-written movie, and for Ratner...two words...Fight Club.

I'm looking forward to finally seeing a video game movie that hasn't been bastardized on a dozen different levels.

5806d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Look, I understand that this has hit home for you, and even I have a low-grade form of Aspergers, but I honestly think this guy is in serious need of some more capable help, especially if he's considering killing himself over a lost exclusive (which is still being released on the PS3 BTW).

I know to a degree how he feels, having an abnormal attachment to a game series and how it helped him throughout his life, but this is so much more than a cry for help, and having THAT huge o...

5810d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Notice how the article said he had to deny that the game was the cause of him hitting the kids instead of the alcohol.

Man, we live in a sad time when video games are a larger scapegoat than alcohol in the face of the media. I can only picture the cop questioning the guy: "Are you sure it was just the alcohol? Because I'm willing to bet that the game forced you to do it!"

5811d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't really see Sony catching up in this gen for a WHILE. Especially since plans for the 80GB replacing the 40 with YET AGAIN no BC, which I still say is ridiculous considering that The PS2 still has at least 2 years of life left in it. Ah well, still glad I shelled out the $600 for my 60GB (now 320GB). Around here especially, old school 60 and 20's are still going for $600+ just because of the BC.

When 2011-2013 come around, Sony better fix the whole multi-SKU issue, bec...

5813d ago 2 agree10 disagreeView comment

And a long time coming too. With all the delays lately that seem to be synonymous with Sony, this is a breath of fresh air. I haven't seen anything on the TV portion that I can't put on my DVR (HD or otherwise), but the movie selection is pretty vast for the launch. When I first heard the news, I was expecting MAYBE 5 movies available and possibly a FEW TV shows, but the variety is pretty good.

Good to see Adult Swim and FX on there, no Nip/Tuck though *sigh*. Hoping to see...

5815d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Please keep comments like that in the Open Zone. As much as I loved Sega, and despite the fact that the Playstation was responsible for killing the Saturn, Sega was mostly responsible for their own demise.

The 32X, Sega CD, and countless other next-to-useless peripherals destroyed them financially, in both R&D and manufacturing costs. The Dreamcast was their last ace in the hole, but back then, jumping the gun by a year wasn't a smart move, with a new disc format (DVD) on...

5815d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I understand completely. But on the internet there's no such thing as a "completely objective" Mod. Everyone on earth has a personal preference, and it will forever influence a person's judgment.

I've been banned from a LOT of forums for EXTREMELY stupid reasons, and I've also been banned from gaming servers even because the host didn't like the fact that I was schooling him, despite so-called "rules" that are supposed to prevent sh!t like that from happen...

5817d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, he PM'd me and told me why he banned me (he banned me because I was screaming about my bubbles, which apparently is a no-no.) But apparently he also thought my losing 3 bubs in a span of minutes was suspicious, so he restored them.

I guess the mods are going all out now, considering I'm seeing more and more bans as the days pass. But calling a fanboy a Gimp and a Moron is probably grounds for a semi-justified ban, even if he deserved it.

I personally hate...

5817d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah I know, I was banned here for 3 days (on my 2nd day now) because my bubbles magically went from 7 to 4 within a half hour period without any of my comments having disagrees on them.

I then unloaded a Caps Lock comment asking which piece of sh!t fanboy used his 20 accounts to thrash my bubbles, and then it got deleted by RuJoshin, and he banned me here for 3 days, but he restored my bubs.

Makes me wonder if a fanboy mod didn't like what I had to say.

5817d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment
5819d ago

Are the contributors of this site really so desperate for attention that they'll find any story they can from every D-rate backwater website?

The answer, sadly, is yes.

Anytime I see some cruddy negative story that goes against something that eveybody would love to see, I notice it's always sourced from some polished turd of a website that I've never heard of in my 14 years on the internet.

5819d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Muting tens of thousands of people would get in the way of my game

5820d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment